this recipe actually akif tak sengaja je buat...waktu tu akif lapar sangat,bukak refridge ada daging burger..bukak tudung saji,mak tak masak sbb pi keja awal hari tu..what the heck! ni betul2 darurat!,after the pemerhatian yg ala kad(ala kadar) aje...akif terus kumpul bahan..
1 sudu minyak(menumis)
pasta (u guys also boleh guna macaroni)
daging burger ramlee(ayam)/original meat also cann..:P
pepper,garam,oregano whole,oregano ground
bawang putih.(goreng) kalau tak suka takyah letak...haha
1.boil the pasta,remeber to put the Garam in the boiling will give a lil saltiness to the Pasta and to make it tender.let it boil and sit for couple of minutes though.
2.ambil burger tu,korang hancurkan,Mix them with the bahan2 (OREGANO GROUND AND WHOLE,SALT,PEPPER) mix them all together.pastu biar kejap in the bowl,biar kan daging tu sebati dgn rasa..kalau boleh wrap dengan plastic wrap food tu..huhu.
3.u can shape the meat whether its round or flat..and goreng the daging,i love to use the flat-pan(mcm kuali nak goreng daging tu la) THE MORE FLATTEN U KNOCKED THE DAGING,THE FAST PERIOD TO ITS COOK!also kalau bulat u boleh deep ensure that the daging fully cooked.
4.after all done,letak pasta tu dalam pinnggan,taruk daunbawang ke sup ke,taruk olive oil sikit..perah limau kasturi tu..put the daging on top..and were done.
* u guys mesti tertanya2 kan..mana kuahnya? kalau nak letak prego tu pun boleh apa salahnya..tapi yg ni akif masak cara yg paling mudah utk begginer yg langsung tak reti masak tu...hahaha.selamat menjamu selera ok!
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